Tips (ha ha) : 10 ways to make your site slower

  1. Pages are just too big and take too long to transfer. Too many graphics, too many scripts, and too much multimedia add up to a long wait for users.

  2. Images are too big and take too much time to transfer. They should be cropped and/or compressed to reduce K-size.

  3. Nested tables in the HTML code confuse the browser, preventing it from drawingor forcing it to re-drawthe page.

  4. "Rich media" ads that use Java-based programs take too long to load.

  5. Too many ads on the page slow it downbecause of their size and sometimes because of the scripts that pull them in.

  6. Width and height aren't specified for images and tables. This forces the browser to either wait for every element to load before drawing the page or to "guess" how much room to leave. If it guesses wrong, the entire page must be redrawn.

  7. Site isn't compatible with all common platforms and browsers, causing the site to sputter and choke for some users.

  8. Servers lack the strength needed to quickly generate results for many simultaneous users. Increasing both the number of servers and their processing power can help.

  9. Bandwidth is insufficient for the number of visitors you're receiving, especially during peak hours.

  10. Inefficient backend code puts way too much strain on the servers, especially for application-based sites like retail stores, banking centers, or even database-driven news sites.

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