- Before you install Winamp, be sure to install the Arial font first. You can do from the fonts tab in CXSetup.
- When installing Winamp, be sure to uncheck Modern Skin Support, Sonic Ripping/Burning support and Video support as these can cause problems later on. It sometimes happens that you can't uncheck anything. You'll have to select minimal then and check the things you do want.
- To get the titlebar to work. Go to Options -> Preferences in Winamp (CTRL+P), then go to General Preferences and disable show Winamp on taskbar. You can use show Winamp on System tray without problems. This disables the keyboard shortcuts though. If you change this option to much during a Winamp session, the main window might dissappear completely though. To fix this, enable the taskbar button again and disable the Main Window check in the rightclick menu. Now close and reopen Winamp and then enable the Main Window check. The main window should now appear again.
- You can use the Media Library if you open it in Winamp while in Windows. After you close Winamp in Windows with the Media Browser enabled and then run the same installation in Wine, the Media Browser will open in Crossover. The Media Library still has other problems though that cause it to be not fully usable.
- If you do not get proper sound output, try selecting the DirectSound output plug-in and disable 'Create primary buffer' in it's settings.
You can also try if the ALSA driver offers better quality, by changing wineoss.drv to winealsa.drv on the Settings tab in Crossover Office Setup. You must also use the wave-out plug-in in Winamp then. This actually gives the best audio quality for me with a Via686a. - Do not use version 4.2 of Crossover. Winamp will probably work a lot better in an older version.
- Mozilla ActiveX control is useless.
Crossover might ask if you want to install the Mozilla ActiveX control when running Winamp. This is currently useless though, since the media library doesn't work. There are combinations of Crossover/Wine versions and older Winamp versions (2.x) where the minibrowser did work though, so in those cases you might do want to install the Mozilla ActiveX control. - Winamp 5.03 can be installed by doing the following:
* (This step is unnecessary, but improves usability) Add the following to your ~/.cxoffice/dotwine/config file right before the "# [/wineconf]" line
"Managed" = "N"
* Install like normal but choose only from these options when installing:
- Winamp (required)
- Winamp Agent
- Winamp Library
- Modern Skin Support
- Audio File Support
- Video File Support
- Visualization
- Extra Audio Output/Effect Support
DO NOT SELECT "User Interface Extensions"
Select the classic theme. Modern works, but is flaky
There will be a CD Ripping / Burning error during installation, it's OK.
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