Tips: Computer Maintenance

Blue and help files for Windows XP

Computer maintenance tips: Here's help for Windows XP. Well, we all know that sudden changes in the computer May be a sign that something is wrong: perhaps a virus or spyware program infected computers, computer or PC should check the health identify systematic errors. So I was a little alarmed banda on my Windows XP with the names of the files suddenly turned blue. Fast (though a little angry) about online showed that no, XP is acting up: blue file names point to files that are available at this time and are compressed using the Disk Cleanup tool.

Clean the computer screen

When cleaning your computer monitor, you should make sure that ga disconnect from power. You can clean dirt and fingerprints are normal household glass cleaner sprayed on the lint free cloth, do not spray directly on the computer screen. It is important that the fluid in electrical components. Be sure to keep the air vents results from waste and paper. Ztížena monitor ventilation openings monitor May cause overheating and even catch fire. Net once a month or as needed.

Our Turn off the computer peripherals

USB ports and other computer peripherals should be treated with caution, to avoid serious damage to your computer. Never plug or unplug peripherals, and the computer is switched on. In doing so, May in a short connector plugs, which causes serious harm to your computer. You can switch to the computer before adding or removing and excluding computer peripherals.

Weekly virus checks

As viruses are becoming more and more complex and more aggressive, a good antivirus program, he became the absolute necessity to protect your computer. Many people, however, often do not know how to scan their computer for viruses. Planning weekly virus scan is a good routine preventive measures. Complete scanning is also recommended if the antivirus program, the word was discovered and cleared of the virus.

Viruses can make changes to your computer's system settings and cause errors that May will remain in force after the antivirus programs remove the virus. As a result, the health system, scan your computer from viruses after scanning helps keep your computer in tip-top shape.

Disk Cleanup in Windows XP

Temp files downloaded Internet files, and the old, unused files can take up to a room in your system drive and regular cleaning and maintenance should be part of your regular computer maintenance. Click open the My Computer "and" single-click on Local Disk right mouse button. Select Properties and click Disk Cleanup. XP will scan your system looking for areas that need cleaning. When it made its chosen areas of the things you want to clean them by clicking on the provided list, then click OK. Disk Cleanup will remove some files, and other coverings. As to changes in your computer, it's a good idea to use the PC as a medical scan further step on your computer maintenance.

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